• info@bazedgroup.co.tz
  • +255768 081 698
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Bazed Group Limited is a leading poultry producer and supplier in Tanzania. The company is committed to providing its customers with high-quality poultry products and services. As part of its commitment to excellence, Bazed Group offers a variety of poultry consulting and training services to help poultry farmers improve their productivity and profitability.

Bazed Group's poultry consulting services cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Poultry management: Bazed Group consultants can help poultry farmers with all aspects of poultry management, from chick rearing to flock health and welfare.
  • Poultry nutrition: Bazed Group consultants can help poultry farmers formulate diets that meet the specific nutritional needs of their flocks.
  • Poultry breeding: Bazed Group consultants can help poultry farmers select and breed chickens for improved productivity and profitability.
  • Poultry disease control: Bazed Group consultants can help poultry farmers prevent and control diseases in their flocks.
  • Poultry marketing: Bazed Group consultants can help poultry farmers market their products and services to the best possible advantage.

Bazed Group's poultry training services are designed to help poultry farmers learn the skills they need to be successful in the poultry industry. The company offers a variety of training courses, including:

  • Poultry management training: This course covers the basics of poultry management, from chick rearing to flock health and welfare.
  • Poultry nutrition training: This course covers the principles of poultry nutrition and how to formulate diets that meet the specific nutritional needs of poultry flocks.
  • Poultry breeding training: This course covers the principles of poultry breeding and how to select and breed chickens for improved productivity and profitability.
  • Poultry disease control training: This course covers the most common poultry diseases and how to prevent and control them.
  • Poultry marketing training: This course covers the principles of poultry marketing and how to market poultry products and services to the best possible advantage.

Bazed Group's poultry consulting and training services are a valuable resource for poultry farmers in Tanzania. The company's consultants and trainers are experienced and knowledgeable, and they can help poultry farmers improve their productivity and profitability. If you are a poultry farmer in Tanzania, I encourage you to contact Bazed Group to learn more about their poultry consulting and training services.

Here are some of the benefits of using Bazed Group for your poultry consulting and training needs:

  • Experienced and knowledgeable consultants: Bazed Group's consultants and trainers are experienced and knowledgeable in the poultry industry. They can help you solve problems and improve your flock's productivity.
  • Tailored services: Bazed Group can tailor its consulting and training services to meet the specific needs of your poultry farm. This ensures that you get the most out of your investment.
  • Flexible scheduling: Bazed Group can work with you to schedule your consulting and training sessions at a time that is convenient for you. This makes it easy to fit the services into your busy schedule.
  • Affordable pricing: Bazed Group's consulting and training services are affordable and offer great value for money. This makes it possible for even small-scale poultry farmers to benefit from the company's services.

If you are looking for poultry consulting and training services in Tanzania, then Bazed Group is the perfect choice for you. The company offers experienced and knowledgeable consultants and trainers, tailored services, flexible scheduling, and affordable pricing. Contact Bazed Group today to learn more about their poultry consulting and training services.